How to reset metabolic setpoint in obesity management


  • Sanjay Kalra Department of Endocrinology, Bharti Hospital, Karnal, India
  • Saurabh Arora Department of Endocrinology, Dayanand Medical College and Hospital, Ludhiana, India.
  • Nitin Kapoor Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Christian Medical College, Vellore (TN) -632004, India, and Non Communicable Disease Unit, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia



The metabolic setpoint theory is based upon the premise that there is a barohomeostatic mechanism in humans which maintains weight within a predetermined range. This is viewed as an obstacle to weight loss, but can also be considered an opportunity to reset the barometabolic setpoint. This expert clinical opinion piece shares pragmatic suggestions on how to achieve this. Initiating with monotherapy, titrating dosage gradually, inter-changing treatment if needed, troubleshooting where necessary and intensifying slowly to combination therapy help reset the barometabolic homeostatic range.

Keywords: Barocrinology, GLP1RA, Intensive behavioural therapy, Liraglutide, Overweight, Obesity, Semaglutide.



How to Cite

Sanjay Kalra, Saurabh Arora, & Nitin Kapoor. (2022). How to reset metabolic setpoint in obesity management. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 72(2), 375–376.




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