
  • Dr. Fatema Jawad Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association


We enter the New Year 2025 with hopes and expectations for more achievements by our Journal of Pakistan
Medical Association. It has been a very busy past 2024, with increasing number of submissions, which amounts to
excessive work for all at the office. We have published Ten National Supplements, mostly Guidelines and Two
supplements from abroad.
The work in the journal office has rather been in the form of policing or catching thieves. The standard of Ethics
has unfortunately receded in the authors. We are detecting more of plagiarized articles, redundant submissions,
gifted/ unauthorized authorship, wrong or tampered IRB Approval Letters and sliced articles. It is unfortunate, but
the pressure to publish by the regulatory bodies, takes its toll. In the present times, most students or senior doctors
are not very keen to write research. At times paid help is acquired, which can be expensive and not reliable.
Undergraduate students want to publish which gets them opportunities to work abroad. It seems most of the
youngsters desire to travel to the UK or USA for higher studies as they believe that there are more opportunities
in these countries for a better life. It only proves the disappointments faced in our own country, which we
experience very frequently. The government, the regulatory bodies and the senior faculty has the responsibility
of creating better and favourable opportunities for the younger generation, who will be the future health care
providers for the people of Pakistan.
I would like to state a few words of gratitude to the colleagues who have been a pillar of strength in assisting with
the editorial responsibilities of JPMA. Dr. Anwar Siddiqui has shouldered the major load. Dr. Mubeen, Dr. Sina
Aziz and the recently inducted Dr. Umair Sami are the regular members of the core team. Ms. Maria Najam and
Rizwana, help out with the technical review of the case reports, whereas Mr. Humair takes care of the Research
and Review articles. Thanks are due to all of them.
The office of JPMA is always humming with work. It is lead by Mr. Abdul Majid and the other responsible staff who
assist him include, Mr. Adil, Mr. Faizan, Mr. Munib, Mr. Ghaffar and Mr. Ramzan. It would not be possible to have
the present efficiency without their dedicated services.
I take this opportunity to thank all our learned peer reviewers and stats reviewers for their help and assistance.
The Special Section is a unique part of the journal for which the section editors hold the responsibility. Dr. Sanjay
Kalra from Karnal, India, organizes the latest information on Primary Care Diabetes, Advances in Endocrinology and
Barocrinology. Dr. Shahzad Shamim from Karachi, is the section editor for Neurooncology, Dr. Farooq Rathore from
Islamabad, is responsible for the Rehabilitation section and Dr. Aamna Hassan from Lahore takes care of the IMAGES
Section. My gratitude is extended to all of them. Last but not the least are our readers. JPMA is widely read and very
often we get comments which are published in the forthcoming issues. I am full of thanks to our readership from
all over the world.
I end here with all good wishes for the New Year 2025 to all connected with JPMA. My Prayers are for the entire
community linked with JPMA. May we have better days in the coming year. We complete 75 years of publication
in 2025 and have grown. May the Almighty Bless us with more success.



How to Cite

Dr. Fatema Jawad. (2024). FROM THE EDITOR’S DESK. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 75(1), 1–1. Retrieved from

