Everolimus-eluting bioresorbablecoronary scaffold in Asian patients; a 2-yearfollow-up Authors Muhammad Abdul Salam Azad Department of Cardiology, Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Uzma Gul Department of Cardiology, Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Asim Javed Department of Cardiology, Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan DOI: https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1149 Abstract Abstract Indo-Pakistan population has one of the highest risk of coronary artery disease(CAD) in the world.1Percutaneous interventions with the use of stents has been the mainstay of treatment for CAD, evolving from balloon angioplasty to bare metal stents and then to drug eluting stents. However, there are a few drawbacks related to the metal implant in the coronary, leading to the development of bio-resorbable vascular scaffolds(BVS). This case series studies the implantation techniques and 24 month clinical outcome of bioresorbable stent Absorb at Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology. From November 1, 2013 till June 30, 2018. Fifty patients undergoing angioplasty with Absorb BVS as elective or primary PCI were enrolled. Case selection was at the discretion of the operator. Patients were followed up clinically. Repeat angiogram was conducted if clinically indicated. Continuous... Additional Files PDF Published 2020-11-02 How to Cite Muhammad Abdul Salam Azad, Uzma Gul, & Asim Javed. (2020). Everolimus-eluting bioresorbablecoronary scaffold in Asian patients; a 2-yearfollow-up. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1–11. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.1149 More Citation Formats ACM ACS APA ABNT Chicago Harvard IEEE MLA Turabian Vancouver Download Citation Endnote/Zotero/Mendeley (RIS) BibTeX Issue A Head of Print Section Case Series