Estimates of gelotophobia and perceived stress among obese individuals




Objectives: The present research was carried out to find out an estimate of gelotophobia among obese individuals. Perceived stress and differences on socio-demographic factors were also studied.

Method: The survey design cross-sectional study was conducted from January to June in 2018. A sample of 70 consenting participants (men = 22, women = 48) with BMI ? 25 were recruited through purposive sampling. The instruments of Geloph<15> and Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) were used to assess the level of gelotophobia and level of stress in the sample. Demographic details of sample were also recorded to achieve study objectives.

Result: The estimate of gelotophobia among obese individuals in the current study showed that 64.2% majority sample had moderate level of gelotophobia, while 10% of the sample had high level of gelotophobia. Statistically significant differences were observed in the level of gelotophobia among individuals having different levels of socio-economic status (p < .05) and with history of being ridiculed by peers (p < .05). However, the present study did not show any significant demographic difference in perceived stress (p > .05).

Conclusion: The findings of the study could provide evidence in favour of developing and implementing suitable intervention programs to help control risk of gelotophobia among obese individuals. The study could also assist in creating awareness and understanding about harmful consequences of bullying and nurturing a healthier narrative of conversations and humour among the youth.

Keywords: Humor fear, obesity, BMI, body weight.


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How to Cite

Estimates of gelotophobia and perceived stress among obese individuals. (2020). Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1–14.

